We have successfully completed phase 2b trial in BCCNS. Within that clinical trial we treated 447 basal cell carcinomas in 38 patients with an ORR for individual tumors >50%. The drug was well tolerated and demonstrated prolonged progression free survival. Only fifteen of the 447 (3%) target lesions increased in size during time on study with only 4 of 447 (0.01%) increasing by ≥ 20%.


From the Gorlin Syndrome Aliance Patient Forum:

“I am participating in the clinical trial for the itraconazole. It is working very well for me (75% of the targeted spots are either gone or greatly reduced). And I have not had any side effects”.

Best Reduction in All Target Lesions (N=447)

Best Reduction in All Target Lesions (N=447)

New Lesion Formation Over Time

New Lesion Formation Over Time